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How do you build a digital marketing strategy for your startup? It’s not an easy task! You have limited resources, limited time, and unlimited options. Digital marketers often face the same challenge: how do we scale our existing marketing strategies? The answer lies in creating a framework that works for your business model and goals. Today, I’m going to share with you my go-to digital marketing strategy framework that has helped me successfully launch multiple startups over the years. Let’s dive in!

Define Your Business Goals

Before you can build a marketing strategy, you need to know what it’s for. That means defining your business goals, marketing goals, product goals, and customer goals. In the case of the digital marketing framework and any other form of advertising or promotion, these four categories are usually closely aligned. If you’re selling a product (and not just services), then it’s almost always better to focus on building awareness and interest in that product rather than making direct sales calls right away. You want people who haven’t heard of your company yet to come across the name or logo so that they’ll remember it when they see it again later on down the line when they’re ready for an actual purchase decision. On top of this basic alignment between purpose and goal type comes another layer: sales funnel stages where different types of content are used at each stage depending on what kind of response is needed from visitors (or leads).

Understand Your Customers And Their Needs

Understanding your customers and their needs is the first step in building a digital marketing strategy. To do this, you need to know who they are, what they want, and how they use your product or service. This process starts with understanding who your audience is (and isn’t). Start by asking yourself: Who are my customers? What kinds of people buy our product or service? What can we learn about them from our sales data or user research? How does that help us create better products/services for them in the future? Once you’ve figured out who exactly makes up your target audience, look at how they use the internet what websites do they visit regularly? Which social media platforms do they spend time on each day? Where else would someone like this go online besides those places listed above (for example Reddit)?

Identify Your Target Audience And Competitors

Once you’ve identified your target audience and competitors, it’s time to start thinking about how they interact with your company. This is where the foundation of your product or service comes into play. If you’re building a product or service for business owners, then what are their pain points? What problems are they facing? What can you do to solve these issues in an innovative way that will make them want to use your product over the competition? Once again, this step may seem obvious but it’s important not only for defining who your target audience is but also for defining why someone would want to purchase from them or at least engage with them online.

Create A Realistic Marketing Strategy And Budget

You’re going to need a realistic marketing strategy and budget. This means setting achievable goals, then creating a plan of action to achieve them. If you don’t have the time or resources to create a detailed plan, use this guide as your starting point:

  • What do I want my business’s digital marketing strategy to accomplish? What are my goals?
  • How much does it cost me per month for average expenses like hosting and social media management tools (for example $100/month)?
  • When do I want these things done (for example: by January 1st)? Once again, note that this timeline is flexible! You may not be able to finish everything on this list at once but try your best!

Develop An Ongoing Measurement And Analysis Plan

Measurement and analysis are essential to any digital marketing campaign. They tell you what is working, and what isn’t (and why), and they can help you improve future campaigns. Before a single ad is run, it’s important to have a plan in place for measuring success. The first step in developing an ongoing measurement and analysis plan is deciding what type of metrics will be most relevant for your business or organization.

Help You Build A Successful Campaign

A digital marketing framework is a process for planning and executing a digital marketing campaign. It’s comprised of four main phases:

  • Planning – The first step in any campaign is to come up with an idea, then plan out how you’re going to execute it. This includes deciding on your target audience, which channels you’ll use, and how much time or money you have available for the project.
  • Execution – In this phase, you take all that hard work from the previous step and put it into action! You’ll execute all your plans by creating content (textual or visual), promoting it through social media posts/ads, etc., analyzing its performance then making changes based on feedback if necessary until you reach your goals.
  • Analysis – After completing execution successfully (or unsuccessfully).


We hope you find this framework useful in your work. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a tool that can help you think about how to approach your marketing challenges more strategically. And as with any tool, we encourage you to experiment with it and adapt it to suit your needs after all, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for anything!